Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Red Is the Color of the Day

Red as the chilly fall breeze
that colored the swamp maples under the powerline
inland from us-under an Osprey Nest.

Red as the tongue and throat
of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
who tried to launch through his car window

Red as Peko's collar
as his fur bristled and voice challenged
in response to the flomping brown eyebrows

Red as a child's wagon
a child 's first tricyle
red as my tiny windsor chair

Red as the old quart of enamel
that was half dried but still put to use
painting the old windows.

Red as the heat of passion,
the spill of blood by accident
the flow of menses with the pitch of the moon

Red as the moment of anger
when secrets are revealed
the colors at the start of a new life.

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