Saturday, June 25, 2022

A Sad Day for Women's RIghts

 America is based on Freedom. In the several hundred  years since this country was formed, challenges to what defines Freedom have come and gone.

Is a slave free? NO, they are not.

Is LOVE free? Yes it is, and the notion that someone else could tell another person who they can and cannot love is the height of NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

The people selected to decide how those freedoms are defined, have to first and foremost decide how those freedoms affect others.

For example, we have Freedom of speech, but if you are shouting Fire in a crowded theater and people die trying to escape, were you free and above recourse to behave in such a manner? Those people paid to sit in that theatre (most likely) do you have the right to act in a way that they have to leave and their happiness is impinged upon?

A woman's body can be forcibly violated. In all horrible manners including incest and gang rape, and just plain old date rape with tranquilizers.


So now another person can tell that woman what she can do for medical treatment for the aftermath of such an event. Will she be denied treatment for STD'S? Will she be denied psychological care? Will she be denied the ability to refuse to allow foreign material (sperm) to remain in her body, Impacting her ability to enjoy the freedom of her own body? How are any of those tings hurting someone else, except perhaps denying the rapist the satisfaction of knowing they are the ones in power?

Because rape is about power.

Birth control and abortion have been part of history since humans became sentient.How many newborns have been abandoned in woods, buried, and in recent Maine headlines, left in a gravel pit with cord still attached in sub freezing temperatures?

What about the people who let their dog in the next morning to find it had retrieved the tiny corpse and left in on the doorstep? 

How many women have died from sepsis, high blood pressure, bleeding out?

How many children have gone hungry, how many infants have suffered starvation and malnutrition?

To the Pro Lifers who believe pregnancy is God's will, and if the mother doesn't want that baby, their church will find parents-one could argue that if it was God's will, then infertility is also God's will, and if someone can't "make" a baby, maybe God does not intend for them to have one.

I realize this post is titled Women's Rights, but I am going to shift over to gun laws.

One of NRA's drop kick defenses is that ""Guns don't kill people, people kill people.' A recent article in several Maine newspapers talked about gun suicide. The head of SAM (Sportsmen's Alliance of Maine) was outraged that he was not consulted for his opinions for the article. SO he posted a 15 minute egotistical rant on You Tube.

Which included the above NRA slogan.

Well, yes, more people die from overdose that guns. Does that mean we should make Opiods legal, anyone can get them? They are a medication used to treat pain, why should we have to ask someone's permission to treat our pain?

Guns have one purpose. They are made for killing. They don't heal. The only way they make someone feel better is by allowing them to destroy life. Now we are once again back to power. The power of the penis, the power of the gun barrel. 

We are all supposed to be treated as equal. But if one has more power than the other, are they equal?

The SC judges are people, are they equal? If so, Clarence Thomas is also a lawful subject. Does he want his mixed race marriage outlawed? Does he want to go back to slavery?

And Susan Collins-you were doing ok until you got swept up with the Trump mania, and if your head had not been so far up his rear, you would have realized why we were all begging you NOT to confirm any of his SC nominees.

Sad that all Susan Collins has done for Maine and this is her legacy. She is only one of 50 or 54 who voted to confirm, yet even the National news is pointing a finger at her. Yes, it's hard to say NO to a narcissist, but you were there because Maine thought you could.

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