Monday, November 3, 2008



We took a hike out onto the breakwater today. The temperature was probably high forties (F) and the wind was howling a gale. There were two vehicles in the parking area. We headed out from the picnic area around to the little beach and waterfront path. There was a group of five or six people just coming off the breakwater.

About halfway to the breakwater, we decided to yield to their large group, and dropped down onto the beach. The seaweed was piled up enormously, and it appeared to be high tide. There was a small strip of sand clear by the embankment that we walked along.

No sooner than we hit the sand, we noticed a seagull skeleton complete with feathers atop the seaweed. (a big ewww) There was a lot of stuff in that seaweed! I found a brand new tennis ball for Peko. LOL.

We passed abreast of the other group just as they reached a stone bench along the upper walk, and one of their members sort of collapsed onto the bench. I thought it was from the bitter wind and exertion of hiking the breakwater.

So, we took off down the breakwater, the fierce winds kicking spray up from the harborside. We were grateful that the wind was blowing from inshore, since the leeward side of the breakwater is braced with large granite rubble. If one were blown off in that direction, it would means cuts and scrapes rather than sure drowning if one went over the other side.

We didn't make it out to the lighthouse-time constraints-. So we headed back, with Peko near dragging me in a half run. I realized how cold he must be! We raced off the breakwater skipping over cracks, and headed down the upper path. When we got to the second stone bench, there was a fresh bunch of florists roses sitting on the seat. Closer examination showed the bench to be newly installed. It was a lovely pink granite, and carved, like the other benches, with a memoriam.

I didn't read the name-I pushed the bouquet aside and read, "Mother, daughter, sister," and felt like I was intruding on the fresh grief of the group, having witnessed the collapse of a most likely a relative- and now just come upon the flowers.

I thought it was a lovely memorial in a beautiful spot.


Velvet Ginger said...

I love that stone walk way...
what a nice time you had...I love exploring new places.
(I would have looked at the name on that bench & tried to imagine her, but that's how strange I am)

tree ocean said...

I might have lingered but the wind there was unbearable! Next visit I will try and remember her bench!