Monday, August 18, 2008

Western Flying Adder 808

Cordulegaster dorsalis


Imagine my suprise when I looked this up in my field guide to Insects and Spiders a minute ago (so much more chic than saying, "dragonfly") and discovered that this is a Western Flying Adder. Hmmm. I live in the Northeastern corner of the US.

A quick check of the description shows the range to be Nevada and California to Alaska. Folks, that is on the other side of the continent!!!

Perhaps there is an Eastern version not listed in my book. Googling these types of things is usually more aggravating than productive; perhaps I might try to find an insect specialist listed in Maine.

This was taken over at the pond today. I had one shot at a pic-I saw this huge dragonfly (wingspan to 5-3/8") and grabbed the cam and headed to the last place I saw it. I had to wade into the weeds-one shot, and it was gone.

1 comment:

Tonia said...

What I want to know is who decide whether or not they are only in one certain area!! I mean its a bug!LOL Someone just might not ever took the time to figure out what kind it was... Just had to say that!LOL Garter Snake was probably ticked off and watching his life flash before his eyes!!! Lady didnt you see ME???