Saturday, July 19, 2008

Rainbow in the front yard


Northern Lights streaking over the top of the house. Ball lightning in the bathroom. And now, a rainbow in the front yard!

Here are shots from two separate windows.

Late this afternoon we took the little goats out for a quick forage, with thunder rumbling in from the south west. 15 minutes later the clouds were close enough we ran the goats back and ran in the house.

The wind started blowing, a good downpour. I was shutting a west window and saw the sun abruptly emerge, with the storm still raging to the east.

Quickly we went on rainbow alert, rushing to the east windows to find a perfect rainbow arched over the lawn. It was about 30 feet high and 70 or so feet wide. ONe end disappeared into the tree line to the south-the other end plopped firmly down nearly in the driveway.

Willow wanted to run right out and start digging. LOL.

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