Sunday, June 15, 2008


How do you wite about it? Sitting infront of a blank page at the wee hours, disgruntled, foggy with interrupted well needed sleep, torn from the sanctuary of warm nest and sweet dreams by a ringing phone at midnight.

Cursing the forgetfulness that left the phone in the bedroom, ignoring the rings and hearing the manic slurred voice at the other end begin yet another rambling message, demanding, insistent, which in later calls will lead to aggravated and slightly threatening.

Roll over and go back to sleep to have the phone ring again in twenty minutes-hopes of sleep dashed and replaced by a need to silence the intruder, out of bed unplugging phones, getting a glass of water, knocking glass of water on bed returning to same..

Attempt to return to sleep to hear jangling cat shrieks from the back yard. Leaping out of bed and nearly going through the window at the top of the steps in haste to get down same, half falling and tumbling down steps to knock over and step in the day's eggs that were sitting there..stumbling out the back door through the goose crap barefoot trying to see if the chicken killing fox from two nights ago has returned and killed the cat...

Retreating sounds crashing through the underbrush-all hope of sleep lost and now into the wee hours..

Edit note: 1:30 am the cat came in unscathed *claps*

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